Treating Indigenous Artists & their Talent with Respect

I was recently asked if the Native or Indigenous Art gift items we carry are constructed ethically and if the artists are compensated properly. As much as I assumed they did and do, i needed to confirm.

Statement of Respect and Authenticity from our top Indigenous Art Giftwares Supplier

We believe that all Indigenous Artists should be treated fairly and with respect.

Authenticity of art, design, and culture is the foundation to our mission of building everyday connection to Indigenous cultures

Native Northwest products are guilded  by the following five principles:

  1. 100% of the art featured on every Native Northwest product is by Indigenous artists
  2. All artists have provided consent and contractual permission for their art to be featured on Native Northwest products
  3.  Artist names are acknowledged on all products packaging
  4. Cultural traditional are honoured by acknowledging cultural affiliation on product packaging
  5. Artists are paid in fees and royalties



Our most popular gift with a gorgeous silkscreened Native designed bamboo serving bowl.

BC’s Native Local Artisan Pleasures Gift



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