Heartfelt Beginnings Baby Gift Basket


Welcome the newest addition with our ‘Heartfelt Beginnings Baby Gift Basket’, lovingly assembled in a neutral canvas container adorned with a stitched heart. This thoughtful collection is filled with essentials that blend style, comfort, and sentiment, making it an ideal gift for any new parent.

The set includes a sweet frilly overall set with a matching bonnet, perfect for adorable photo opportunities. A new white plush teddy bear awaits with cuddles for the little one, accompanied by soft receiving blankets and gentle facecloths for everyday care.

Delve into the pages of the large board book, ‘I Love You as Big as the World’, a heartwarming story that expresses boundless love. Wooden Monthly Photo Tile Props help capture each precious month of baby’s first year, creating cherished memories. The Peek a Boo Non-Slip Socks ensure safety and warmth for tiny feet, while the Mama Bear Acrylic Keychain adds a sweet touch of affection for the new mom.

The ‘Heartfelt Beginnings Baby Gift Set’ not only provides practical items but also delivers warmth and love, making it a perfect choice for baby showers, hospital visits, or welcoming home ceremonies.