Unable to have a Holiday Party this year, how can we help?

Many companies are already considering what their holiday celebrations might look like under coronavirus restrictions this year.  And many of those companies have decided against a seasonal party but are still looking for a new way to acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate the year with their valued employees. As we move […]

Client Gift Giving During Covid

Have you been wondering how to maintain client relations during this period of social distancing, quarantining and isolating? Well, then you aren’t alone, many of our clients are thinking the same way. I know, it has been repeated to the point where its almost annoying,but we are in uncertain and […]

Sending Gifts to Hospitals During Covid 19

Most hospitals in the Lower Mainland are still refraining from accepting gifts from outside sources.  I assume this will change soon…. but check in with us or your local hospital for updates. ((UPDATE: VCH (Vancouver Coastal Health) facilities are under restricted visitation. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are working […]